Membership Agreement with the Cape Town Scale Model Boat Club
Although we are a new generation club, some framework is needed to ensure the fair and transparent treatment of all members and visitors alike. We therefore don’t have a Constitution which formulates our modus operandi. In stead, we have a Membership Agreement, which is entered between the Club and an individual member.
Below is the Membership Agreement you will be required to agree to when joining the Club.
Article I: Definitions
For the purposes of this agreement, the following terms are defined herewith and shall have the assigned meaning unless the context requires differently:
“The Cape Town Scale Model Boat Club” means all the individual signatories to this agreement and the owner, collectively as the parties hereto and hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.
“The Owner” means the Model Boating Association of South Africa, a company not for profit, currently in the process of registering as a NPC in terms of the Companies Act.
“The Common Purpose” means the activities, benefits and discount offers arranged by the Owner and the Executive Members for and on behalf of the Club.
“The Executive Members” means those members elected by the Club at an Annual General Meeting who shall be responsible to the Owner for the performance of functions related to the Common Purpose.
Article II: The Common Purpose
The common purpose of the Club shall be to promote the hobby of scale model boat building and sailing in Cape Town and its surrounding areas. The Club shall provide a platform for enthusiasts to come together, share their knowledge and experiences, and participate in organized events and activities related to scale model boating.
Article III: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership in the Club shall be open to all individuals who share an interest in scale model boating, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or nationality.
Section 2: Types of Membership
a. Regular Membership: Open to individuals who pay annual dues as determined by the Club.
b. Junior Membership: Open to individuals under the age of 18. Junior members shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as regular members, but may be subject to additional supervision requirements as determined by the Club.
c. Honorary Membership: The Club may confer honorary membership upon individuals who have made significant contributions to the hobby of scale model boating or to the Club itself. Honorary members shall be exempt from paying dues and shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of regular members.
d. Subscribers – This type of membership is open to everyone who is willing to make a financial contribution towards the club, in return for access to articles of interest relating to scale model boats, the hobby in general and the local communities it operates in.
Section 3: Rights and Privileges
All members shall have the right to participate in the Common Purpose, vote in Club Elections, and hold office in the Club as Executive Members, provided they are in good standing with regards to their dues and any other obligations to the Club.
Article IV: Executive Members
Section 1: Appointment of Executive Members
The Executive Members of the Club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Members Committee of the Club.
Section 2: Duties of the Executive Members
a. President: The President shall preside over all General meetings of the Club and of the Executive Members Committee, and shall be responsible for ensuring that the Club’s activities are conducted in accordance with its Bylaws.
b. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in the performance of their duties and shall assume the duties of the President in their absence.
c. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep accurate records of all Club meetings and activities, maintain a membership roster, and handle correspondence on behalf of the Club.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues and other funds, the payment of Club expenses, and the maintenance of accurate financial records.
Section 3: Election of Executive Members
Executive Members shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership present at the Club’s annual general meeting, and, upon appointment by the Owner, shall serve a term of one year, or until their successors are elected.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Club Meetings
The Club shall hold regular meetings on a schedule referred to as the “Season Program” determined by the membership and approved by the Executive Members Committee. Notice of Club meetings shall be provided to all members in advance before the start of a Season Program. At present it is the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
Section 2: Executive Members Meetings
The Executive Members Committee shall meet once every three months to discuss and agree with the owner on the Common Purpose for a 6 month period ahead.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by any individual member after consultation with the President or by a majority vote of the Executive Members Committee. Notice of special meetings shall be provided to all members in advance, along with the purpose and Agenda of the meeting.
Section 4: Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meetings are scheduled by the Owner once a year but no later than the 31st of October. The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is to elect the Executive Members for the year ahead and to address any matter relating to the Common Purpose.
Section 5: Quorum
A quorum is required for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Club shall consist of a majority of the paid-up members present in person.
Section 6: Attendance and Voting
Other than Club Meetings, members may attend all meetings in person or online via Zoom or other means made available by the Owner.
Every member in good standing shall have a vote at any meeting where votes are called. Voting may not be done by proxy unless the proxy is a member in good standing.
Article VI: Amendments
This Membership Agreement may be amended by the Owner from time to time after giving 30 days notice of the proposed amendments to all members in good standing, to allow for comments and objections if any.
Article VII: Dispute Resolution
Any dispute that may arise between the Owner and an individual member shall be dealt with in accordance with the recommended ADR Practices in South Africa or in terms of a Bylaw established by the Executive Members Committee.
Adopted this 18th day of February, 2024.